Hacking News - 27th SEPTEMBER
Sep 28
Hacking News 0Top Hacking News Trending On Web.
1.Harvard University website hacked by Syria protesters
2.Findmyhash - Find Cracked Hashes Online
3.Hackers published personal data of 25,000 police officials
4.Mysql.com hacked, serving BlackHole exploit malware
5.USA Today Twitter Account Hacked By Script Kiddie
6.Official websites of 7 major Syrian city hacked by Anonymous
7.Hackers hijack Twitter accounts of Chavez critics
8.Anonymous Hacking Group Targets Chinese Agriculture Firm
9.Pakistan Supreme Court's website hacked
10.Anonymous Hackers Release NYPD Officer's Personal Info
11.The Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) hacked
12.Hackers attack Colombia's Police website